About Us

Nature tells the beautiful story of how life works. Nothing is permanent and structures constantly organize and reorganize themselves into complex networked wholes. Nature's systems continually test, adapt, and coevolve. Meanwhile, fearing chaos and inefficiency, we humans try to contain and control things.  

Crisis is a harsh teacher. Since the Maui fires, many highly networked, self-organizing human systems running on the direct feedback of personal experiences, have been sharing information, goods, and energy, and accomplishing quickly what old systems could not. 

Clinging to old top-down structures will not move us towards healing long-standing issues that required our immediate attention long ago. 

Seeing and taking action based on nature's patterns and processes  opens up opportunities for all. When we focus on the well-being of our ecosystems and our community, all will prosper. 

The Maui Institute is devoted to using nature's basic patterns to grow and support healthier systems. Learn more and join us. 

Lynn Rasmussen

Applying the power of systems science to my life on Maui Nui for almost 50 years.

Laura Civitello

Learning about this precious island for almost 4 decades.